Welcome to Father Grumble

I was recently asked by a cousin to share the digitally remastered Father Grumble recordings I inherited from Dad, and another cousin posted a few images of him.  So, I decided to start building an archive on this site.  Just seemed like the thing to do at the time. 🙂

Father Grumble Album Cover

5 thoughts on “Welcome to Father Grumble

  1. Carol says:

    This is great, Ralph. Thank you!

  2. Tony says:

    Just bought a box of albums from someone here in Tallahassee and Father Grumble was in it. It is autographed by Martin Ambrose and says “For Miriam “Elma, Honey” Much luck to you – It’s been a strange yet exciting experience “Bus Stop” Sept 81, BRDT”

    Great Voice, great production. I can see you are proud of your dad!

  3. Thanks, Tony! Glad you’re enjoying the album. Dad often gave them away as gifts, and he was in a number of productions of “Bus Stop” over the years. BRDT must have been Burt Renyolds Dinner Theater in Jupiter Florida. I was nine and we were living in Calif. when he went to Florida to do that show. Thanks for sharing the inscription!

  4. Steve Thomson says:

    Ralph…how lucky for you, and others to hear your fathers songs — doing what he loved most. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for sharing that!
    He was a great talent !
    –Steve Thomson

  5. Steve Thomson says:

    What a classic performer your dad was !

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